Kingdom of Art
Art in the king's class
The idea of the "Kingdom of Art" was originally based on a children's booklet that Martin Mangold wrote in his spare time for the children of friends in the early 1980s. In the fairy tale "THE COULOUR FAMILY IN THE KINGDOM OF ART," Martin Mangold playfully conveys an understanding of color and values such as international understanding and world peace, which were also to become important cornerstones of his artistic work. In the story, he himself slips into the role of the king of colors as a fairy tale uncle, and thus the designation "King of Art" came into being as a winged word.
For his fans and friends, 'Monty' has been the "King of Art" ever since.
At the beginning of the 1990s, Martin Mangold began with the detailed planning for the founding of the Kingdom of Art he had conceived, as the "Home of the finest Art".
With the act of proclamation on January 1st, 2000, Dr. Martin Mangold officially launched the concept of his action art work Kingdom of Art, crowned himself King of Art and as such ascended the diamond throne.
The Diamond Throne symbolizes the main concern of the King of Art, namely the discovery of new artistic talents, which he contracts as a mentor as early as possible and whose development he promotes in the long term.
Symbolically, a precious stone is inserted into the throne for each newly discovered artist whom the King of Art integrates into his realm as a rough diamond.
Founding of the Kingdom of Art
Recognition by the
Federal Republic of Germany
After seven long years in the “James Bond year (2)007”, the extensive and well thought-out founding implementation had progressed so far that the registration of the website was a first step towards becoming public.
On November 3rd, 2010, the suffix "King of Art" was entered in the artist's German federal identity card and German passport.
The official justification was: The artist is known, valued and recognized under this name nationally and internationally and has carried out various publications and art projects under this name and further work as King of Art is also secured by long-term contracts.
The Royal Court of the Kingdom of Art evaluates this fact as an act of recognition of the life's work of the King of Art by the competent authority in the Federal Republic of Germany.
In the beginning there was the idea of creating a place where many things are different. When clever profiteers are not condemned and art & artists are really free. Where no taxes bleed people and the economy dry. A place where art and money creation stand side by side on an equal footing. A place where the economic miracle is made and the harvest is enjoyed.
Well, it's not quite as unusual as it might seem at first glance. All kingdoms, after all, were founded at some point, most by someone's destiny to crown themselves king.
Were they all crazy? - Might be! One does not know.
The Kingdom of Art is perhaps the King of Art's most vibrant art performance and is designed as a micronation.
The tax-free treasure islands of art, located on a sunny island archipelago, are constantly being developed into a superlative luxury resort for the humorous super-rich.
You are among yourself, well shielded from prying eyes, because discretion is very important. Access as normal citizens is only granted to those employees who, in addition to the best qualifications, above all maintain their absolute discretion as a virtue.
On the private islands you live almost self-sufficiently in harmony with nature. They house, among other things, the royal residence, the studio of the King of Art, the National Museum and the property for guests.
An airstrip for large private jets, a heliport and a mega-yacht marina make it easy to get here.
The Kingdom of Art as State
Never say never. Who knows what the future will bring. If the factual prerequisites that are clearly defined under international law, namely state territory, state people and state power, are in place, there is nothing theoretically standing in the way of founding a state. Models of small states would be dwarf states, such as many islands in the Caribbean or the South Seas, which are actually independent states in isolated cases, and a shining example in the middle of Europe is the glamorous Principality of Monaco. Somewhat larger are the United Arab Emirates, which have merged with seven emirates, including the world-famous Dubai, to form a state that is definitely a serious economic player, even though the state was founded comparatively recently.
The Vatican State is viewed critically and the so-called Islamic State is in fact not a state at all.
Can anyone become a citizen of the Kingdom of Art?
In theory, any natural person can become a citizen of the Kingdom of Art. In practice, the hurdles for immigration are similar to those in Monaco. An impeccable record and a corresponding proof of assets, as well as commitment to the goals of the Kingdom of Art and the recognition of the King of Art are the minimum requirements.
The legal foundations of the Kingdom of Art
The start as an art action took place through interaction. The "founding of the state" as a micronation took place by proclamation. The charter of incorporation is deposited in the National Archives of the Kingdom of Art.
Official recognition of the Kingdom of Art by the states of the international community
The Kingdom of Art is an art form staged by action artist Cosmo du Mont, the King of Art. The Kingdom of Art is published worldwide as a permanent art action, a recognition as an actual state is currently not sought. In this respect, the Kingdom of Art sees itself as a virtual private state. It is the ideal home for artists and their art.
Art Protection
Art should be like good sex:
Above all safe!
Art? · Sure!
Art protection - The art to protect
The art market as a complex system.
Ask for particularly valuable works of art
for solid evidence
for authenticity and ownership.
For true art lovers
their valuable unique items
are dear and expensive.
Works of art are only verifiably protected valuables if they are encoded and entered in the World Art Register!
That's why the
King of Art
also offers his art collectors
the greatest possible security and has all his works of art extensively protected.
This means that the artworks are given a high-tech, forgery-proof coding
und die Eigentumsverhältnisse grundbuchähnlich im Worldartregister dokumentiert werden.
Codify - Registery
Identify - Verify
Protection of art and other mobile assets using DNA-like coding
High-tech security of mobile assets based on biometric knowledge
Land register-like documentation in a register that is unique worldwide
Ultimate antidote to lies and deceit
Taurus Crowd Art Funding
This is where the King of Art has his art protected
Taurus Crowd Art Funding
Art protection
The King of Art has his entire life's work perfectly secured all around by the world market leader for art protection. So this happens in the Safer-Art project (see link) that is funded by Taurus Crowd Art Funding e. K., whose owner Christiane Krüger is an extremely successful artist herself and, as a financial and art expert, stands for fair art trade, among other things.
All cosmic-royal works are encoded by Artbodyguard via Safer-Art, registered in the World Art Register, certified and, if necessary, identified by Art-Identify.
The King of Art is also a Member of the Crowd of Taurus Crowd Art Funding, which works to provide a guaranteed lifetime income for all of its participants, while giving money the right value through its charity campaigns.
King of Art meets Montblanc!
Name is Omen
Anyone who has always wondered how the painter prince's precious 'Cosmic Flowing' works of art are created can now experience something similar in the new, elegant flagship store of the luxury brand 'Montblanc' at Neuer Wall 52 in Hamburg. The maestro interprets this as an accolade and is relaxed: "Cosmic Flowing is everywhere in the world!" The King of Art says: "Thanks to Montblanc!"
The cosmic art business club Prima Gallerina and the New Wall Street Art Exchange reside in the immediate vicinity at Neuer Wall 10. Artists and patrons meet here in a stylish ambience & art meets capital. The belief is:
Business is done among people.
Patron of Art
Great honor for King Ludwig II of Bavaria by Montblanc's 2018 Patron of Art Edition 4810
The "Patron of Art Ludwig II" piston fountain pen is limited to 4810 pieces worldwide. The handcrafted 18-carat gold nib is engraved with '4810'. In addition, a fine engraving is reminiscent of the world-famous fairytale castle Neuschwanstein built by King Ludwig II, because he was a passionate patron of the arts and became the fairytale king through this building, among other things.
Die Wagner-Oper "Lohengrin" begeisterte ihn so sehr, dass er den Schwan zu seinem Markenzeichen erkor und ihn in seinen Schlössern allgegenwärtig verewigen ließ, so dass sich für seine königliche Hoheit auch die Bezeichnung Schwanenkönig etabliert hat.
This fact also inspired the design of the edition. The elaborate guilloche pattern on the cap, which is coated with white translucent lacquer, is reminiscent of swan feathers. The clip, discreetly champagne-colored and gold-plated with applications, symbolizes a swan's neck and ends as a swan's head. The fine engraving "WWV 75" on the champagne-colored, gold-plated cap ring - the reference code of the Lohengrin opera in the Wagner catalog of works - is a further reference to the Swan Knight legend.
The body is made of translucent blue lacquer, reflecting the color of Ludwig II's robe, which he wears in one of his most famous depictions.
The shape of the royal crown on the top of the cap and the engraved lettering on the golden cone are inspired by the royal coat of arms of the Bavarian monarch. As a homage to the opera, which prompted the young Ludwig II to become a patron, the champagne-coloured, gold-plated ring is engraved with the lettering "WWV 75", the Wagner catalog for Lohengrin.
This engraving is framed by the famous quote of the Bavarian King, after which also lives the King of Art:
"It is necessary,
to create paradises for yourself".
Patronage of Art Tribute
Nobel may perish the world,
but basically:
Noblesse oblige!
King of Art uses Montblanc!
(Nomen est Omen)
Royal court suppliers of the
Kingdom of Art
The King of Art signs important contracts & royal decrees (which are humorously also referred to as `Dis-Krete´) exclusively with noble fountain pens from the precious forge Montblanc, since 2018 also with the "Montblanc Patron of Art Homage to Ludwig II Limited Edition 4810". (4153 / 4810).
Because of its special art-historical significance, this piston fountain pen is kept safe in the National Museum of the Kingdom of Art when it is not accompanying the King on his international travels to sign contracts.
It can be admired by interested visitors in temporary exhibitions there and as a loan in other museums.
Golden Elixir - Cosmic Gold Ink
One of the most expensive liquids in the world - It's better not to make a mistake!
A small fortune for a very small ink bottle with a gold-plated cap: the gold ink it contains is made of 24-karat gold particles.
The modern King of Art sees himself inspired by the Middle Ages: At the behest of princely courts, kings or wealthy monasteries, magnificent volumes were already decorated with gold leaf and gold dust back then.
This is additionally encoded by the Artbodyguard Foundation with an artificial DNA and registered in the Worldart Register, making the cosmic signature of the King of Art absolutely forgery-proof.
The most valuable papers and, by the way, also his most expensive works of art are signed by the King of Art exclusively with this historical 'Golden Elixir'.
And so that you don't have to write on profane paper, the buyer also receives a notebook with a fine leather cover. It features a gold monogram covered in 22k gold leaf. You can then write on jet black paper.
The color of the ink depends on the value of the documents.
King of Art
Karl Lagerfeld!
(Name is Omen)
Royal Purveyors
des Kingdom of Art
Whether vernissages or museum appearances, on the red carpet, at art events or in film, radio and television:
At important appearances, he likes to be dressed in couture by Versace, Dolce & Gabbana or Karl Lagerfeld.
Kaum getragen veredelt er den Edelzwirn flugs in eigenen Kunstwerken und präsentiert diese in Galerie-Ausstellungen und als Leihgabe in Museen, wo sie zumindest zeitweise von interessierten Besuchern bewundert werden können., bevor sie auf Nimmerwiedersehen meistbietend in den Katakomben privater Kunstsammler verschwinden.
Art for 1,000 years
Since January 1st, 2012, the King of Art has published at least one work of art that he created himself every day. His dream: Even after his biological death, a work of art created by him should appear every day - over a period of exactly 1,000 years, starting on "Day 1" after his death. For this alone, the jack-of-all-trades must create an incredible 365,250 works of art (!) during his lifetime and ensure that his memory is preserved in this unique and incredibly gigantic art collection.
Diese Leistung dürfte absoluter Weltrekord sein, zumindest ist uns kein anderer Künstler bekannt, der ein vergleichbares Lebenswerk, mit der Arbeit seiner eigenen Hände und aus eigener Kraft, erschaffen hat. Aufgrund seiner gewaltigen Schaffenskraft gilt der Hochgeschwindigkeitsmaler bereits heute als schnellster Künstler aller Zeiten. Die besondere Herausforderung dabei: Die Sache muss gut vorbereitet sein, denn der King of Art wird nach seinem Tode kaum nachbessern können.
Megalomaniac - or just insanely big?
The logistics are also daunting: every single work of art is titled, encoded, registered, certified and then preserved in closed, sealed packaging. Subsequent generations are obligated to open the packaging intended for that day every day and to present the work of art it contains to the public. Impossible is done immediately, miracles take longer. As a motivational speaker and happiness coach, the King is used to teaching people to push their limits. With his art action he is now breaking his own limits. The man has visions. Former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt once said: "Anyone who has visions should go to the doctor." But the King of Art has visions in other dimensions.
Expiry Date & Best Before
Der King of Art interessiert sich für die Frage, wie langlebig ein Kunstwerk, die Idee zu einer Kunstaktion, ja ein Künstler, sein kann. Es gibt Künstler, die bereits Jahrhunderte überdauert haben. Man stelle sich nur den Hype vor, wenn etwa Leonardo da Vinci oder Rembrandt heute neue, bislang unbekannte Werke veröffentlichen würden?
The King of Art is modest. He says: "Art is thousands of years old. An art event that lasts at least 1,000 years is quite manageable."
The value of the collection: Immeasurable!
The cost of the whole campaign is considerable, but it's worth it because the value of the collection is inestimable. The safe storage of the collection in particular costs a lot of money - after all, no work of art may be damaged before it is published. For this purpose, the maestro works with research institutions that are supposed to guarantee the durability of his works beyond the usual expiry date.
Art? - Collection of recyclables!
So he erected a monument to himself while he was still alive, making himself almost immortal, his life's work has a life value and his works of art form a valuable collection.
Context of life work & life value
What is a life worth, when is it worth living, do you work to live or do you live to work and what is the work of a life worth? The King of Art comments - as usual - in a relaxed, nonchalant manner on the context of life's work and life's value: "I can do it."
Cosmo du Mont - The moment picker
Under his artist name Cosmo du Mont, the King of Art reflects selected moments of the day in his paintings as a moment-picker, and so his paintings are often also testimonies of history - a circumstance that should certainly be exciting for future generations. In this respect, his works are neither about quantity nor about quality, because, according to the cosmic opinion, the ultimate is in the eyes of the beholder. He only promises his collectors: “I create art that death will not part us.”
Sponsorship for a world record
1000 years
The King of Art offers sponsors,
to be there as sponsors of the works of art and
thus enables them to "immortalize" themselves as well.
The sponsors acquire the sponsorship of a precisely defined work of art with a one-time payment.
Your name will remain inextricably linked to this work of art for all time.
You become part of the world record and thus go down immortal in art history as a sponsor, art lover and patron of art and culture.
Luxury Cosmic Flowing Paintings
panta rhei - Everything flows (Heraclitus)
World-class artists are characterized in particular by the fact that they developed and established their own art movements as pioneers. Thus developed the Expressionists and the Impressionists, Andy Warhol with Pop Art, and Jackson Pollock with Action Painting. Cosmo du Mont once gave art history an entirely new genre with the art movement named after him, Cosmic-Flowing™, and his Cosmic-Flowing™ paintings. Cosmic-Flowing™ refers to the cosmic energy flows of the universe, which the maestro uses in the creation of his art and visualizes in his artworks. Cosmic-Flowing™-Painting also serves to improve the energy flow of all the people who come into contact with his art, for example by viewing the artworks, through artistic means. Cosmic-Flowing™ corresponds closely with artist Cosmo du Mont's holistic desire teachings for a sustainable happy life. In his Cosmic-Flowing™ paintings are found harmonies worth living and loving, which are meant to help find the path to perfect happiness. Cosmic-Flowing™ refers to the energy flows of cosmic energy, one of the most important factors in the art of the Prince of Painting - in his visual art as well as in his life art. Cosmic-Flowing™ corresponds very closely with the holistic energy theory according to Cosmo du Mont.
Cosmic-Flowing™ - Art as a lifestyle
Cosmo du Mont is an artist and the King of Art His entire artistic work is essentially characterized by the cosmic flow of energy, the so-called `Cosmic-Flowing™'. This applies to his visual works (photographs, sculptures and paintings) as well as to his staged art actions. As action art in the best sense, the `Cosmic-Flowing™-Life-Style' was planned and developed into: `The Art of feeling Healing'. The worldwide success, which has lasted for more than 30 years, established this lifestyle in the meantime as an art of living, especially in the areas of beauty, wellness, anti-aging, energizing, as well as the holistic stimulation of the natural self-healing powers. And all this, although Cosmo du Mont is neither a doctor nor a non-medical practitioner and has no medical training.
Can treat
Art experts instead of art connoisseurs! Does art come from ability? And if so, can the man do art? - At least he could. Maybe that's why critics call him an art connoisseur. Cosmo du Mont himself admits, however, that he knows nothing about art. That he nevertheless does not miss the art world, he shows every day anew. These pages, in the vastness of the Internet, offer a tiny insight into his work. Art collector calls King of Art as art patron. He says, "`Collecting' means `being able to give' - to art, to artists - and to oneself." For the traveler between worlds, making fine art for the world's citizens is one of the most beautiful things he does.
Luxury Daily Paintings
Catch of the Day
The King of Art is actually known for his monumental works. When the prices went through the roof, he looked for a way to be able to offer cheaper works and started a publishing house that published editions of selected works on a daily basis and one work each of the following cosmic art movements temporarily, initially for a period of one year, in hidden auctions, issued. In this way, collectors could always bid exactly the amount that a favorite work by the artist was worth to them and if it was the highest bid received by 20:00 CET (Monte Carlo / Monaco local time), then they were awarded the contract. The exact auction conditions are further down on this page. The four different art movements are presented here one after the other.
Due to the great success, the auctions were extended from year to year until they ended on December 31, 2020.
Since the King of Art has to set the right priorities, these daily picture auctions are no longer taking place.
Luxury Cosmic-Flowing™
Every day, the brilliant industry of high-priced jewelers celebrates the fact that luxury does not necessarily have to be large-scale. Great art, very small! - The search has found a happy ending. Cosmo du Mont artistically banishes positive, cosmic energies onto the canvas, creating positively charged energy images that become lucky charms with the appropriate dedications.
Artworks of the day
Feeling joy Feeling
Cosmic Flow
Making cheap bargains
Winning the auction with luck as a collector
Good chances of solid increases in value
Discovering art - interpreting what has happened
A successful start to building up your own collection
Smile once a day - the very personal dose happiness
Luxury `Post! - It´s Art´™
Everyone posts everything... - This is artist Cosmo du Mont's minimalist response, in a contemporary art form: art on post-it notes, such as 3M's Post-it® brand. The King of Art is actually known for his monumental works. However, the creation of such formats presented the maestro with enormous logistical challenges on his many travels, so that he once decided to create at least miniatures of his large-format works for his daily publications while on tour. Of course, these are also created using the tried-and-tested technique of Cosmic Flowing, but they bear the name `Post! - It´s Art´™.
`Post! - It´s Art´™
Bargain hunters watch out! -
This is the hammer!
Less is more,
because smaller is finer.
Barely bigger than a postage stamp.
3M threatened to sue Cosmo du Mont.
But the corporation has preferred not to until today.
The King reacted calmly.
What a pity!
That would have been great, free promotion.
Luxury Sky-Lines
Sky & clouds, pure energy, in short a miracle of nature. Clouds are pure Cosmic Flowing. Cosmo du Mont has entered into an artistic business relationship with nature. In his artistic life's work, he allows himself to be drawn, among other things, from waves, wind and clouds, even allowing the wonders of nature to be painted for himself. The world-class artist sees himself in his art as part of the whole, as a tool of nature.
Skies Calls
Here you will be adored!
Where are the clouds going? - And what is there, in this place?
Will happiness find me? - And if so, where?
Oh yes - and where exactly is cloud 9?
Heaven - place of longing! Clouds - always in flux!
Typical symbols of Cosmic Flowing!
On his travels, the artist photographs the sky every day and interprets 'seen and what happened' in the resulting works of art.
It's worth taking a closer look - because there is a lot to see.
Luxury Date - Paintings
On January 4, 1966, Japanese-born, New York-based artist On Kawara created his first date painting, beginning his ongoing, theoretically open-ended "Today" series, which includes more than 2,000 individual paintings. The Japanese artist painted his date paintings only on days that had a special meaning for him. Theoretically unlimited in time. He died on 10.07.2014. - Cosmo du Mont, who had already begun his own series of day pictures at this time, asked himself: And now? On Kawara could henceforth create no more day pictures. So Cosmo du Mont took over On Kawara's artistic legacy and now continues On Kawara's life's work of date pictures with his own means. Sophisticated art should always have a spiritual background. In this sense, the King of Art artistically examines the lifespan of art in the context of time and space. On Kawara's works are in the collections of many international museums, including the Kunstmuseum Basel, the Museum Ludwig in Cologne, and the Museum of Modern Art in New York. In February 2015, a major retrospective opened at the Guggenheim New York. We do not know where On Kawara is now, here are examples of Cosmo du Mont's work, starting with the date image he created of the anniversary of On Kawara's death. Our sympathies go out to his family.
Date Paintings
Buy a Date
Everyone has special days.
Make such a day your day.
Minimalistic, concret!
Cosmo du Mont saw himself after the overwhelming success of his 'Cosmic Flowing' and 'Post! - It's Art' daily pictures, Cosmo du Mont felt prompted to also publish a `Date Picture' as a daily picture from 10.07.2014 onwards and to offer it for sale in a likewise hidden auction.
Current `Buy a date - Art´ daily pictures could be seen on the corresponding blog, also in selected galleries & museums and in social networks.
Cosmo du Mont™, King of Art™ und Kingdom of Art™ sind urheberrechtlich geschützt! · Copyright © Alle Rechte vorbehalten.